My blog. (We'll figure out something more profound later).

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Waitin' for the Bishop

I have no Idea who our new bishop is gonna be. Bishop Ohl is retiring, and this last weekend was our diocesan convention. I haven't heard or seen any news.
I've just joined the choir. I love the music they sing, ( theoretically, I sing tenor, but in reality, I sing whatever comes outta my mouth.) but I'm concerned. They don't just go up into the loft and sing. They're part of the procession, recession. They do a lot. I'm worried I will have a hard time worshipping instead of trying not to screw up. Any ideas, anyone?
I'm hoping for a conservative Bishop. Our diocese isn't likely to go anywhere, but for me worship is primary. As long as our congregation doesn't go off the cliff, I'll stay.
I'm serious about the choir stuff. I don't wanna spend each Sunday morning fretting over turning in the wrong direction.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Let's see,
I'm 34, 5'4" Caucasian, married for not quite ten years now. I live in Abilene, TX (the heart of the Texas Midwest, according to our chamber of commerce). CAD guy for a GC.

Things to watch out for in future posts.
I have short-guy syndrome...not the aggressive part, just the needy, attention wanting part. I'm constantly fighting this, so sometimes posts will be all about me, then suddenly vear off.

I am horrible at spelling, and I often don't like to take the time to use the spell checker.

Religion plays a big part of my life. I was raised Roman Catholic, went to Southern Baptist when I got married, (bit of a change). I'm missing liturgy, so I'm in the process of going to the Episcopal Church. Definetly the Anglo-Catholic variety. I will also be on the conservative end of the spectrum.

You will see plenty of little asides in parenthesis because I think of myself as O, so witty.

Well, more to come. Hopefully not all about me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My first blog

Well, I've done it. I've decided to start a blog, add my voice to the cacophony. Because I'm that important. Surely the world waits breathlessly for my views on life and "all those things" to quote Gov. Schwarzenegger. I'm bad at spelling, so you'll see plenty o' mistakes. Hope it's not too big a waste of your time.